Apa itu Spread

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Terakhir diperbarui: 17 Feb 2021
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Biaya transaksi instrumen keuangan (saham, forex, dll.), mengacu kepada selisih harga antara harga Ask dan harga Bid. Spread adalah sejenis biaya transaksi, termasuk komisi, jika ada. Karena spread, setiap perdagangan akan dimulai dengan kerugian, karena Anda membeli dengan harga ask dan menjual dengan harga bid.
Contoh spread EUR/USD:
Harga Bid | Harga Ask | Spread | |
Kuotasi 4 digit | 1.0928 | 1.0929 | 0.0001 = 1 Pip |
Kuotasi 5 digit | 1.09252 | 1.09257 | 0.00005 = 0.5 Pips |

Tentang penulis: John Lee Rossi
John Lee Rossi, currently head of fundamental and technical research with Clear Markets Ltd., is a seasoned trader with more than 16 years experience trading in the financial markets. John previously worked for several brokerage companies, operating in different OTC markets, specialising in a wide range of financial products, from Forex trading to commodities trading. Happily married to his lovely wife Frances, John has two teenage daughters. Away from the business, he enjoys hiking, golfing, and spending time at the Ozarks lake with family and friends.
John Lee Rossi, currently head of fundamental and technical research with Clear Markets Ltd., is a seasoned trader with more than 16 years experience trading in the financial markets. John previously worked for several brokerage companies, operating in different OTC markets, specialising in a wide range of financial products, from Forex trading to commodities trading. Happily married to his lovely wife Frances, John has two teenage daughters. Away from the business, he enjoys hiking, golfing, and spending time at the Ozarks lake with family and friends.