Как написать экспертного советника для MT4

Alexandreas Kourris

Alexandreas Kourris
Account Manager & Broker Support
With over 9 years of demonstrated expertise in real estate and financial services, I leverage my exceptional communication and analytical skills in the private investments sector.
My background includes positions at various retail CFD brokers in Limassol (Cyprus) and Dubai, where I seamlessly integrate Private Wealth Management skills with a fervour for the financial markets. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions, engaging stakeholders, and guiding them towards optimal investment paths.
My background includes positions at various retail CFD brokers in Limassol (Cyprus) and Dubai, where I seamlessly integrate Private Wealth Management skills with a fervour for the financial markets. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions, engaging stakeholders, and guiding them towards optimal investment paths.

Jason Peterson

Jason Peterson
As a Co-founder of Clear Markets Ltd, I help guide the technical and business strategy of brands under the Clear Markets umbrella. With a background in IT, I co-founded Clear Markets shortly after becoming a trader. I'm an active trader with experience in forex, crypto and stock trading. I enjoy exercise, taking family trips, and creating.

Факт проверен
Andres Nicolini

Факт проверен
Andres Nicolini
Technical Data Manager & Broker Support
With more than a decade of expertise in covering both the US markets and the global forex markets, I am dedicated to assisting users in discovering the finest investment providers.
My background includes serving as an account manager for an international brokerage firm, where I honed my attention to detail. I specialize in aligning investors' profiles and preferences with the most suitable products and services available.
My background includes serving as an account manager for an international brokerage firm, where I honed my attention to detail. I specialize in aligning investors' profiles and preferences with the most suitable products and services available.
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Август 2024

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Данные постоянно обновляются нашими сотрудниками и через автоматические системы.
Последнее обновление: 16 авг 2024
Мы получаем комиссионные от некоторых аффилированных партнеров без каких-либо потерь для клиентов (партнеры перечислены на нашей странице «О нас» в разделе «Партнеры»). Несмотря на эти партнерские отношения, наш контент остается беспристрастным и независимым. Мы получаем доход за счет баннерной рекламы и партнерских отношений, которые не влияют на наши беспристрастные обзоры или целостность контента. Наши редакционные и маркетинговые команды работают независимо, обеспечивая точность и объективность нашей информации.
Read more about us ⇾Откройте силу MT4 экспертных советников: Изучите автоматическую торговлю с нашим пошаговым руководством!
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