Rebates FAQ

Datele sunt actualizate permanent de către personalul și sistemele noastre.
Ultima actualizare: 14 feb. 2025
Câștigăm comisioane de la unii dintre partererii noștri afiliați, fără costuri suplimentare pentru utilizatori (partenerii sunt listați pe pagina „Despre noi” în secțiunea „Parteneri”). În ciuda acestor asocieri, conținutul nostru rămâne imparțial și independent. Generăm venituri din bannere publicitare și parteneriate cu afiliați, care nu afectează evaluările noastre imparțiale sau integritatea conținutului. Echipele noastre editoriale și de marketing funcționează independent, asigurând exactitatea și caracterul obiectiv al informațiilor noastre financiare.
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When do I get paid?
Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12th day of the month (EST time/GMT-5) for trades where cashback has been accumulated between the first and the last day of the previous month. Please note when the 12th falls on a Sat or Sun the payments may be made on the following Monday, since we do not work on Sat or Sun.
Occasionally a payment is delayed as a result of slow or inaccurate data coming from the broker.
Payment methods, fees, and minimums
Payment Method | Fees | Minimum Payment |
Bank wire | $40 | $200 |
Neteller | 3.50% | $10 |
Paypal | No Fees | $10 |
Skrill | 3.50% | $1 |
SticPay | 2% | $10 |
Crypto (BTC) | No Fees* | $40 |
Crypto (ETH) | No Fees* | $20 |
Crypto (USDT-ERC20) | No Fees* | $40 |
Crypto (USDT-TRC20) | No Fees* | $10 |
Direct to broker account** | - | - |
Spread or commission reduction** | - | - |
* Network fees are applied by the network and can vary based on the congestion of network traffic and the size of the transaction; and in some extreme cases consume your entire payment amount.
** Available only for Brokers as identified in Rebate Options.
Will I be charged higher spreads or commissions?
Never! If in doubt we encourage you to confirm directly with the broker.
Do I receive cash back on a losing trade?
Do you have access to my account?
What if I was not paid the right amount?
If you feel there is a mistake, we will be happy to investigate further. Please send us a copy of your broker account statement and request to have your account reviewed.