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Menetapkan cashback |  Vantage Markets
Langkah 1. Membuka akun Vantage Markets
Existing Account Holders:
1. Login to your Vantage Markets client Portal
2. Select Profile – Transfer IB/Affiliate option
3. Fill out the transfer form
4. Choose "IB" as the Partnership type
5. Enter in the IB code field: 58535 

• Transfer will be processed only if all trading positions are closed
• Vantage Markets will transfer the account on a weekend and notify the customer by email
• Existing clients from Australia, Hong Kong and Japan cannot be linked to the IB, due to broker restrictions
Langkah 2. Pilih jenis akun Langkah 1. Pilih jenis akun
Langkah 3. Pilih platform trading Langkah 2. Pilih platform trading
Langkah 4. Masukkan detail akun Anda Langkah 3. Masukkan detail akun Anda
Broker tidak mengizinkan perubahan pada akun. Silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.