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MT Cook Financial Overall rating

Ranked 360 out of 825 (Forex Brokers)
Overall rating is derived from an aggregate of ratings in multiple categories.
Rating Weight
User Rating
Not rated
Pricing rating
Not rated
Not rated
Customer Support
Not rated

MT Cook Financial Profile

Company Name MTCookFinancial.com
Categories Forex Brokers
Primary Category Forex Brokers
Year Founded 2014
Office Locations South Africa
Support Languages English
Financial Instruments Forex, Indices, Oil/Energies, Cryptocurrencies, Metals, Soft Commodities (coffee, sugar...)
Prohibited Countries North Korea, United States

MT Cook Financial Web traffic

Our web traffic data is sourced from SimilarWeb and sums the traffic data of all websites associated with a broker. Organic visits are visits the broker didn't pay for, based on the available data. This data updates once monthly and can be based on data purchased from internet service providers, traffic metrics sourced by a third party such as Google Analytics that the company chooses to share with SimilarWeb, etc.

Organic traffic rank 622 out of 825 (Forex Brokers)

MT Cook Financial Account types

Mobile Platform-
Trading platformMT4
Spread Type-
Minimum Deposit500
Minimum Trade Size0.01
Trailing Stops-
Trading platform MT4
Minimum deposit 500
Minimum Trade Size 0.01

MT Cook Financial User Rating


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Please make sure your comments are relevant and that they do not promote anything. Irrelevant comments, including inappropriate or promotional links, and comments containing abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, or personal attacks of any kind, will be deleted.

MT Cook Financial Regulation / Money Protection

Company Licenses & Regulations Segregated Client Money Deposit Compensation Scheme Negative Balance Protection Rebates Max. Leverage Retail Clients
2000 : 1

MT Cook Financial Symbols

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